Downs Syndrome


Downs syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. These extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome.The symptoms of Down syndrome are different in each person. They have mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Their development is often delayed.some of the common physical signs includeDecreased muscle tone at birth, Excess skin at the nape of the neck,Flattened nose, Separated joints between the bones of the skull(sutures), Single crease in the palm of the hand, Small ears, Small mouth, upward slanting eyes, wide short hands with short fingers, white spots on the colored part of the eye(Brushfield spots), Physical development is often slower than normal. Most children with Down Syndrome never reached average adult height.

AVAILABLE OPTIONS:   Integrated approach, occupational therapy

LIMITATIONS:Attention span, Verbal memory and expressive memory and expressive communication are limited.

Sansvitha Advantage:Highly specialized integrated and combination therapies, use of Virtual training and learning opportunities and comprehensive physiotherapy.